While much of our work is published and placed in the public domain, we also undertake projects for confidential clients of strategic importance to the organisation. We have assisted many clients throughout the Asia-Pacific region in energy and utilities industries that are undergoing significant change, which can benefit from our knowledge and understanding.
Often these clients are facing changes in their external environment such as the introduction of new wholesale markets, the introduction of open access and retail competition, or significant changes in the legislative or regulatory environment.
We provided a submission to the Australian Government Department of Industry Issues Paper on the Energy White Paper 2014. The submission related to Alternative and Emerging Energy Sources and Technology.
Metering International magazine published in Issue 3, 2012 a WorldView article written by David Prins, Director, Etrog Consulting, in which he described how the Australian electricity market faces uncertainty. In these uncertain times, it is important for organisations to examine and review all elements of the business and operational strategy, to ensure that it aligns with the market conditions that the organisation faces.
Our clients may be industry participants, market bodies such as market operators, governments or regulators.
In these cases we may for example provide study tours or benchmarking visits where we accompany senior staff within an organisation to give them the opportunity to learn about the functioning of markets through meeting with their peers in another part of the world, as well as providing some training ourselves.
Where possible, we help our clients to be proactive in influencing changes in their environment, rather than just reacting to changes that are imposed by others.
In some cases, our consultancy advice relates to merger and acquisition activity. We may assist with due diligence of an acquisition target, or provide a more broad understanding of the market and regulatory framework in which a potential acquisition target is operating.
In other cases, we assist external service providers and vendors to enter into new markets. For example, metering, communications or IT service and product providers may lack the insights necessary to clinch deals in markets where we are familiar, and we may be able to bridge the gap. They may have expertise in another part of the world or in another sector.
Our assignments may include internal training, seminars or workshops to bring staff rapidly up-to-speed with the required knowledge. We may agree to provide such services on an ongoing regular basis or on-call on a retainer control. In all such cases, we retain our independence. We may assist a particular vendor, without recommending their product or services.
Often these clients are facing changes in their external environment such as the introduction of new wholesale markets, the introduction of open access and retail competition, or significant changes in the legislative or regulatory environment.
We provided a submission to the Australian Government Department of Industry Issues Paper on the Energy White Paper 2014. The submission related to Alternative and Emerging Energy Sources and Technology.
Metering International magazine published in Issue 3, 2012 a WorldView article written by David Prins, Director, Etrog Consulting, in which he described how the Australian electricity market faces uncertainty. In these uncertain times, it is important for organisations to examine and review all elements of the business and operational strategy, to ensure that it aligns with the market conditions that the organisation faces.
Our clients may be industry participants, market bodies such as market operators, governments or regulators.
In these cases we may for example provide study tours or benchmarking visits where we accompany senior staff within an organisation to give them the opportunity to learn about the functioning of markets through meeting with their peers in another part of the world, as well as providing some training ourselves.
Where possible, we help our clients to be proactive in influencing changes in their environment, rather than just reacting to changes that are imposed by others.
In some cases, our consultancy advice relates to merger and acquisition activity. We may assist with due diligence of an acquisition target, or provide a more broad understanding of the market and regulatory framework in which a potential acquisition target is operating.
In other cases, we assist external service providers and vendors to enter into new markets. For example, metering, communications or IT service and product providers may lack the insights necessary to clinch deals in markets where we are familiar, and we may be able to bridge the gap. They may have expertise in another part of the world or in another sector.
Our assignments may include internal training, seminars or workshops to bring staff rapidly up-to-speed with the required knowledge. We may agree to provide such services on an ongoing regular basis or on-call on a retainer control. In all such cases, we retain our independence. We may assist a particular vendor, without recommending their product or services.