Pricing of electricity and gas
We are leading experts on pricing of electricity and gas to consumers.
Our director David Prins has advised on electricity prices and tariffs in every State in Australia.
Best practice electricity retail price regulation
We provided a Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on Best Practice Retail Price Regulation Methodology, in connection with the AEMC's Advice to the Standing Council on Energy and Resources (SCER).
Flexible pricing of electricity
We provided the Victorian Government with a comprehensive Study of the production implementation and trials of flexible electricity pricing for residential and small business customers.
Our director, David Prins, wrote an article on Flexible Electricity Pricing - Opportunities for Customers, which was published in Energy News, the official journal of the Australian Institute of Energy.
Our director, David Prins, wrote an article on Flexible Electricity Pricing - Opportunities for Customers, which was published in Energy News, the official journal of the Australian Institute of Energy.
Advice on regulatory determination of electricity and gas prices
Over the last few years, we have been advising Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) on regulated retail electricity tariffs and prices in Queensland. We have written several reports which have been published as submissions from QCOSS to the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA). Our submissions have influenced the setting of tariffs and prices and have been referenced in other consumer advocates’ submissions. Our advice has also formed the basis of a written submission from QCOSS to the State Government.
We also advised QCOSS on regional electricity price regulation in Queensland. Our advice formed the basis of a submission from QCOSS to the QCA.
Our director, David Prins, previously advised the QCA in a series of assignments on the calculation of the Benchmark Retail Cost Index (BRCI) to set regulated retail prices for electricity supply in Queensland for the tariff years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10. Activities performed included researching and modelling various components of the costs of electricity supply, the production of reports, and consultation of a wide-ranging group of stakeholders in several workshops and through formal consultation processes.
David has been providing advice to the Victorian Government on electricity and gas pricing since 2002. He advised the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on prices and margins in the Victorian electricity and gas retail supply markets, and the impacts that these have had on energy retail competition. The AEMC made use of this report in making its decision that competition was now effective in Victoria, and in recommending that retail price regulation should be removed. Other clients have included the South Australian Government, the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA), and the Victorian Essential Services Commission.
- Regulated Retail Electricity Prices 2014-15: Comments on Draft Determination
- Regulated Retail Electricity Prices 2013-14: Comments on Draft Determination
- Regulated Retail Electricity Prices 2013-14: Comments on Cost Components and Other Issues
- Regulated Retail Electricity Prices 2012-13: Comments on Draft Determination
- Regulated Retail Electricity Prices 2012-13: Comments on Draft Methodology Paper
- Review of Regulated Retail Electricity Tariffs and Prices: Comments on Issues Paper
- Benchmark Retail Cost Index (BRCI) 2011-12: Comments on Draft Decision
- Benchmark Retail Cost Index (BRCI) 2010-11: Comments on Draft Decision
We also advised QCOSS on regional electricity price regulation in Queensland. Our advice formed the basis of a submission from QCOSS to the QCA.
Our director, David Prins, previously advised the QCA in a series of assignments on the calculation of the Benchmark Retail Cost Index (BRCI) to set regulated retail prices for electricity supply in Queensland for the tariff years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10. Activities performed included researching and modelling various components of the costs of electricity supply, the production of reports, and consultation of a wide-ranging group of stakeholders in several workshops and through formal consultation processes.
David has been providing advice to the Victorian Government on electricity and gas pricing since 2002. He advised the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on prices and margins in the Victorian electricity and gas retail supply markets, and the impacts that these have had on energy retail competition. The AEMC made use of this report in making its decision that competition was now effective in Victoria, and in recommending that retail price regulation should be removed. Other clients have included the South Australian Government, the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA), and the Victorian Essential Services Commission.
Setting of electricity and gas prices in competitive markets
We have also provided various clients with strategic advice on setting electricity and gas prices in competitive markets.